Hummingbird Central

2023 Map of Over-Wintering Hummingbirds

Some Species Migrate, Others Do Not

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Interactive 2023 hummingbird migration map
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Many hummingbirds spend the winter in Central America or Mexico, and migrate north to their breeding grounds in the southern United States as early as February, and to areas further north later in the spring.

However, some hummingbirds are overwintering on the Gulf Coast in greater numbers than in the past, and many can be found at feeders in South Texas and South Louisiana during mild winters.

For example, in southern locales, several species are often spotted during the winter months, including the Ruby-throated, Rufous, Black-chinned, Buff-bellied, Calliope, Allen's, Broad-tailed, Anna's and Broad-billed.

A few hummingbird species are year-round residents in the warmer Pacific coastal and southern desert regions of the United States. Among these are Anna's hummingbird, a common resident from California inland to Arizona and north to British Columbia.

Policies for Reporting Sightings

Here are some points and policies to note about the posting of reports on our migration maps:

  • We do not publish names or e-mail addresses or exact physical address on our map, just a city and state, and sighting details.
  • Sightings posted to the map do not represent exact locations, addresses or coordinates; sightings are often placed on the map near center-city.
  • In situations where multiple sightings are reported for a single location, only one sighting will be placed on the map.
  • Sightings are not posted immediately, but normally within several days.
  • Due to the volume of sightings reported, our limited staff, and our inability to fit all sightings on our map, we are not able to post every report.
  • Priority is given to posting sightings along the leading edge of the migration.


2023 Sightings of Over-Winter & Year-Round Hummingbirds

Zoom / pan map for more detail, and click on icons for sighting info
Click on this icon below to see a list of sightings for 2023