Hummingbird Central

Spring 2022 Hummingbird Migration Animation Map

Many hummingbirds spend the winter in Central America or Mexico, and migrate north to their breeding grounds in the southern and western United States as early as February, and to areas further north later in the spring. The first arrivals in spring are usually males.

The Hummingbird Central website tracks the annual spring hummingbird migration in North America with the help of its viewers as they submit their first hummingbird sightings from their locales.

The spring 2022 Hummingbird Migration Map project began in late January of 2022, and ended on May 19, 2022, when most hummingbirds had reached their northernmost breeding grounds in the Canadian provinces.

This video features an animation showing how the map of the migration evolved during the spring. It runs only about 3 minutes and features some easy listening music, so turn up your volume and relive the 2022 hummingbird migration!

Like all YouTube videos, you can click to run it full screen, and mute the music if you like.

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